Tomtom Xl Classic Sd Slot

Tomtom xl update

Hi, I have a TT Xl which has a built in hard drive and no SD card slot.
I have tried to update my UK map using keygen V2.1c and V3.1 but fail with error message 'navcore ttsystem problem,you need a genuine non patched file.'
If I continue I find the map will not work and I get error message 'this map will not work with this device'
I have decided that it would be best to first update my navcore to latest available eg version 8.410 and to this end I have found lots of useful instructions. However I come to a dead end because all seem to assume I have an SD card slot so at the point where I am told to insert a blank card I go blank instead!
I assume that it would be just the same if I wipe my internal drive and then install to it rather than blank SD card but I am loath to do this without advice, Should I leave something behind such as system file????
PLEASE any help would be greatly appreciated...

Tomtom Xl Gps

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